Customize Your Site

Please enter and upload the information below about your campaign and organization so we can customize your organizations popcorn store. All fields marked by an asterisk are required.

    Customize Your Organizations "Popcorn Store"

    Primary Color (HEX) Code:

    Secondary Color (HEX) Code:

    Third Color (HEX) Code:

    Who We Are

    This section appears at the top of your “Popcorn Store” next to your picture. Briefly tell your potential supporters about your organization, but not why you are raising funds - that's in the next section.

    Why We Are Raising Funds

    Enter why you are raising funds. Supporters will want to know what the money will be used for.
    Try and make an emotional connection in this section, this motivates potential supporters to support your cause, especially those that are not familiar with your organization.

    Name Your Fundraiser

    This appears at the very top of your popcorn store, it's the first thing all potential supporters will see. Keep it as short as possible but recognizable as your organization, something like..."XYZ Soccer Club's Annual Fundraiser"